21 Jump Street Wiki

 Mr. Walters is the secondary antagonist in 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street.   He is potrayed by Rob Riggle.


Mr. Walters is a very strange man. In 21 Jump Street, he works as the gym teacher and gets suspicious that Schmidt and Jenko might be on drugs. He is later shown to be the supplier of HFS (Holy Fucking Shit) and ends up getting his penis shot off by Schmidt.  In 22 Jump Street, Mr. Walters is now in prison with Eric and has been given a vagina in place of his penis. Despite the loss of his genitals, Walters does not hold any hard feelings towards Schmidt and Jenko. Mr Walters is also homosexual, showing hints of being attracted towards Jenko due to his appearance and in prison, he becomes lovers with Eric even though Eric hates him.  


  • Mr. Walters considers himself to be Eric's bitch
  • It is possible that Mr. Walters has a secret crush on Jenko.
  • Mr. Walters also shows a dislike to Schmidt.
  • Eric states Mr Walter's vagina does not work properly but in the after credits scene of 22 Jump Street, Walters claims fuck the police
  • In 21 Jump Street, there was foreshadowing to the reveal of Mr. Walters being the creator of HFS. Mr. Walters can be seen eating a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos when Jenko and Schmidt are tripping out after taking HFS and it had been mentioned in the film that the drug tasted like Doritos. 
  • At the end of the movie Mr. Walters reveals to be pregnant with Eric's baby

